Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day Musings

Each week, we are given different assignments to complete for our foster parenting licensing class.  Our last few assignments have focused on childhood experiences of being nurtured and protected, both for children in the system, as well as prospective foster & adoptive parents.  Thinking about how you were protected and nurtured, and how different people in your life met your developmental needs, helps sensitize you to the different experiences and feelings of children in family foster care and adoption.  Each step of this process has been so eye-opening (and heart-opening!) for me, and these last few exercises were no exception.  As I was filling out the answers to the different questions - questions like, "As a child and teenager, in what ways were you protected and nurtured, and by whom?" and "Who helped you to be interested in learning and how?" - I was overwhelmed with the one person the Lord used time and time again to protect, nurture, and love me throughout my childhood:  my mommy!  Yes, I am 40 years old and my mother is still my mommy.  How appropriate to be coming up on Mother's Day, so I can give a "shout out" to my Mami!  Mom, thank you for always being such a strong source of encouragement and support.  You have always been there for me...ALWAYS!  Thanks for instilling a love of learning in me at an early age - our weekly library visits are treasured memories I pray I will never forget.  Thank you for always encouraging me to love others, "And as you wish others would do to you, do so to them."  Luke 6:31 - man, did I need to be reminded of 'The Golden Rule'!  And you faithfully and tirelessly did just that.  Thank you for filling my childhood with memories of you joyfully singing in the kitchen, even though there were so many things you could have been crying and complaining about.  You chose to cast your cares at His feet, and facing the trials He placed before you with a quiet and gentle spirit.  Oh how I rejected those traits in you, and viewed them as weakness in the face of what we had to endure with Dad – I was so wrong!  Thank you for instilling a love for my family, and for teaching me to treasure these special relationships God has given me.  Words will never fully express the overwhelming thankfulness that fills my heart.  So for now, I will end with...

"I thank my God in all my remembrance of you."  Philippians 1:3
Happy Mother's Day Mami - I love you, and am so thankful for the gift of You!