Friday, April 13, 2012

Defining Moments

Foster - verb - to nurture, encourage, or to help someone to grow.

Grace - noun - unmerited, divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification.  a virtue coming from God.

Anyone that knows me fairly well knows that I LOVE words.  Enter in the name for this blog - the words had to mean something.  The Lord gave me the blog name almost in the instant that He placed the desire to blog in my heart.  Fostering Grace.  He placed the desire to blog in my heart at almost the exact moment we decided to move forward with our plans to foster/adopt a child.  The desire to grow our family in this way has been almost 20 years in the making, slowly growing stronger with each passing year.

Part of the foster/adoptive licensing process is to receive an eight week training course.  Our first class was last night, and started out by asking each member to share what their three most significant moments in life were, and to share them in drawings/pictures - defining moments.  One by one, everyone in that room was able to share what their 'defining moments' were.  It was so cool to see most everyone had some rendition of a Cross or the Bible, which represented how God's grace - that unmerited, divine assistance given to them for their regeneration or sanctification - was one of their defining moments.  Everyone had a different story, a different 'picture' of that grace, but all of them pointed to the Master Painter.

My prayer is that the Lord would use this flawed and imperfect blog to nurture, encourage, and help us grow in the knowledge and understanding of His unmerited, divine assistance that He so freely gives to us in Christ for our regeneration and sanctification.


  1. Becky,
    I had no idea you both had a heart for adoption. I will keep your family in my prayers. :-)
    Love you girl!!!
