Saturday, January 26, 2013

An Open Letter About Facebook, Instagram, and...SQUIRREL!

Well, the December Photo-A-Day Challenge has come and gone.  All in all, I enjoyed taking the time to capture different images throughout December, "bringing the blur into focus" as I had mentioned in my previous post.  I definitely captured tons of December memories, and was able to share them with all of "Instagram Land" using the app.  Then I got to thinking:  sure, I have friends that I know on Instagram, but for the most part, I'm sharing all of these "memories" with people that I don't know, or don't know very well, other than on an online/screen name basis.  Then THAT got me to thinking about who I really wanted to be sharing these memories with, how I shared them, and why.  Nothing against all of my Instagram friends (nothin' but love for y'all), but I spent so much time thinking about sharing all of my "memories" with a click of a button - what caption to write, getting just the right angle to "capture the moment" perfectly - that I didn't spend a whole lot of time just being in the moment of the memories I was sharing, and just enjoying them - anyone tracking with me?  Then THAT got me thinking about Facebook and my love/hate relationship with this very popular social networking site.  My original intent of staying "connected" with folks using Facebook has actually had quite the opposite result.  I feel LESS connected - less real connections with people, anyway.  Our interactions are based on quick "status updates" and commenting on or "liking" posts.  This all led to one pretty distracted Becky.  So I started questioning why I use these apps, why I felt the need to "check in" with them so often throughout my day, with my eyes glued to my "smart" phone or tablet...dreading that my kids would have that image of me permanently engraved in their minds, and hearing them call me on it with things like, "Mommy, you're always looking at your phone!" or "Mommy, you're always on the computer!"  Busted!  I knew the Lord was using all of these "thoughts" to show me that something had to change, which led me to my Facebook and Instagram sabbatical.  I deleted the apps from my phone, and hid them on my tablet.  It has definitely made for one much less distracted Becky, more focused on my calling in the here and now.  I've gotten a lot more reading done this past month, more than I have in a very long time.  My quiet time with the Lord is a lot less rushed.  I'm hoping this will also mean more time to write!  I'm also less distracted, in general.  I find that I have fewer random thoughts cluttering my mind.  In short - I'm less distracted!  I know that apps and sites like Facebook, Instagram, and the like serve a purpose for lots of people, and I am by no means wanting to bash or knock anyone's choice to do so.  My thoughts are simply that - my thoughts, and how the Lord is leading me in the area of distractions, and how He would have me focus on what is necessary, and what will not be taken from me.  That's not to say I don't visit my old "friends" from time to time.  But I'm realizing that these apps - these old "friends" - have become more like acquaintances.  Maybe even more like distant fourth cousins twice removed... 
Luke 10:38-42
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”  

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